Singapore up and coming singer-songwriter Elson Soh, will be embarking his journey on a new volunteering campaign <Project Sing for Love>. Since his last ticketed concert at The Max Pavilion in 2011, he had become the Singapore youngest singer to pledge a full-house concert.
Apart from composing and singing, Elson is also a very caring and compassionate person. In 2013, he founded Project Awareness, a social initiative volunteer group aims to assist the low-income families and elderly around Singapore. Throughout the past 2 years, Project Awareness has helped numerous low-income families in need. He have also recruited many caring volunteers to assist in his cause. In conjunction with SG50 celebration, Elson Soh is calling for all charitable, volunteering groups, volunteers and Singapore young aspiring artistes to join him in his quest to provide more welfare by presenting a mini concert to the low-income families and elderly. <Project Sing for Love> aims to bring these performances to different part of Singapore and share the love with the low-income families and elderly. We hope all of you can join us and participate in this meaningful project. For more inquiry, please contact Robin Heng at +65 9782 9926 or email: [email protected] |