These popsicles might look like the sort of thing you’d expect to find being served from a quirky organic artisanal food truck, but one bite could leave you very ill indeed, because they’re actually made from sewage found in the polluted waters of Taiwan. They were made by three design students for the Polluted Water Popsicles project, which aims to raise awareness about rising water pollution due to rapid economic growth and urbanization. Water was taken from 100 different water sources in Taiwan and turned into frozen toxic popsicles before Hung I-chen, Guo Yi-hui, and Cheng Yu-ti from the National Taiwan University of Arts recreated them using transparent polyester resin. This mobile app function more than just a news platform, but also another good platform for merchants to showcase their products and services. More sharing on social media platforms, mean more exposure and business opportunities for the merchants, and at the same time, more earning profits for our members. - JustClick Loyalty Rewards They even made wrappers for them that represented the different regions from which the polluted water samples were taken. While the trash in the water was varied, about 90 percent of it was plastic, and the popsicles contain everything from bottle caps and plastic bags to bottles and chopstick wrappers. It’s a simple yet effective way of getting us to think about water pollution from a totally different perspective. Popsicle anyone? |