1. How did you start your entertainment career? Was it from Campus Superstar or before? I had a dream of being an artiste since my secondary school days. So I started to join these competitions thinking that it will get me "famous" somehow. jumped at every opportunity I had. My singing career started when I had a chance to act in a movie, that was when I met co-actor Kenny khoo and he approached me to join his band singing at live bar venues. From then I started performing as a career. 2. Why do you love to sing? At what age did you start learning guitar, keyboard and er hu? I started learning erhu at age of 7. It was when I walked past the Chinese orchestra cca booth and I found this boy playing the erhu which looked interesting so I joined the cca. Wanted to give up due to the other kids kept laughing at me associating me to the uncles below the bridges. But thankfully to my parents I did not give up and got my diploma at age 13. It was because of the strong foundation in erhu and made me pick up other instruments faster and easier than others. I started learning the guitar when I was 18. 3. Who is your singing teacher when you were young? Did he/she inspire you to become a singer? My only vocal Instructor was Nicole Lai. Her vocal control was so good that whatever songs that came out from her mouth sounded amazing. Unfortunately after learning from her for about a year plus she passed away from cancer. 4. What do you think of the current entertainment industry, is it hard to become a singer and gain popularity? There are many types of singers. It depends on which kind you want to be. If you choose to be an album singer, you need to have your own originals. Only then you'll be able to go a long way on this path. And also you'll need to Invest in your own marketing as well. Youll need the right team and mentors to support you as well. It makes a big difference. 5. As a gig performer and a vocal coach, how do you manage your time between your career and your family? I wake up earlier to spend time with my family. Normally my work starts around 4 to 5pm till 11pm. So during the day I try to spend more time with them 6. If you can travel back to the past, will you consider signing a contract with any of the label record or artiste management? Why?
I wouldn't. Because I know that I won't make it anywhere. It all boils down to your ownself I realized. I lacked the skills and knowledge to be an album artiste. The ability to sing doesn't gives you a career. There will always be singers better than you. It's about working hard, writing your own songs, keep writing, until you have a library of your own songs. That's a lot of time investment. Managing label can only help to market you, but you need to have solid products for them to push. 7. What is the difference between performing at a pub and on a stage? Which do you perfer and why? Be it a small stage at pubs or a bigger live stage, every performance definitely there will be audiences who are listening to you. Do your best to keep them entertained with your songs. Of course the vibes on a bigger stage with a full band backing comes with more excitement. 8. Would you consider acting if you are given the opportunity? And do you think acting is tougher than singing? I was given a shot at acting back then in 2012 for a local movie that girl in pinafore. My own opinion, acting is definitely tougher than singing. There are a lot of waiting time on set, you have to reenact probably a 30seconds scene for multiple times due to different camera angles. Singing is so much easier :) 9. What do you want to say to the youngsters who have a dream and passion in singing? Keep up your passion, keep writing your songs. Only if you meet the right people and team then you'll be able to go far in this industry. Don't put monetary values as priority, focus on your own music and songs, opportunities will come to you. And when opportunity comes knocking, you have to be prepared already.
1. 你出道娛樂圈大概幾年了?為何想要往娛樂圈發展?你是如何被發掘的? 我加入娛樂圈大概3年了,因為對於演藝表演抱有很大的熱誠所以讓我想要在娛樂圈發展看看,我其實是在一次的演員訓練班被看中籤約的,還誤誤誤撞的。 2. 當初踏入娛樂圈是想成為歌手,演員,主持人還是模特兒?其實你心中最喜歡什麼? 我一直以來都比較喜歡音樂,想要成為歌手比較多。但是在大馬如果只當歌手,真的會餓肚子哦! 3. 你在娛樂圈最滿意的代表作是什麼?可否分享兩個你最喜歡的代表作? 我最滿意的代表作應該就是一部在Youtube播放的微電影“蛻變”。那是我第一次的映幕床戲,還蠻挑戰的,再來應該就是去年接拍了電影“舞極限”,那算是我的處男座吧!第一次出演電影,而且還是和小鬼黃鴻升(鬼哥)合作的。 4. 目前單身還是有女朋友?會不會(日後)擔心有女朋友會影響到你的事業?比如粉絲會因為你有另一半而選擇離開你。 目前關係有待確認,哈哈!其實多少都會擔心影響事業,但是我覺得不要去做讓自己會後悔的事就行了。如果粉絲真的喜歡你,我覺得她們都會支持到底和理解的。 5. 在娛樂圈那麼多給過你機會的製作人和工作人員,你最想答謝哪一些人?為何? 我應該最想答謝的是我前公司吧!因為其實公司給於我很多機會,從完全沒作品沒經驗到讓我成長,所以公司都給於我很大的幫助,真的要謝謝他! 6. 目前和接下來有什麼發展和計劃嗎?會不會到海外尋找發展機會?
目前其實也開設自己的娛樂公司,那未來不管是在戲劇還是音樂方面我都會陸續和大家見面,至於海外發展,當然有機會都會嘗試看看啦! 7. 你覺得網紅和藝人的區別在哪裡?畢竟現在很多網路節目,有時候觀眾不知道如何定位哪位是網紅和藝人,所以你認為呢? 我覺得現在網絡的倔起已經讓主流媒體慢慢的越來越少人關注了。同時因為這樣讓利用網絡來增加人氣的網紅也越來越多,好像人人都能做網紅一樣。那藝人的區別就在於藝人有個藝字,藝人在我的刻版印象就是要有高人一等的才藝,擁有才華那才稱得上叫做藝人,而不是隨便拍拍照放上社交媒體就能成為藝人了(我沒有在針對誰哦,只是發表我的看法) 8. 在馬來西亞當藝人會不會辛苦?你認為獨立藝人和有經紀約藝人,哪一個會比較適合你? 在馬來西亞當藝人真的很辛苦,所以很多都跑出海外發展。我覺得經紀約吧!如果背後有一個團隊在幫你做事真的比起你一個人要扛完所有事來的輕鬆和更有效率。 9. 你最想通過我們的媒體平台和你的粉絲說什麼? 希望粉絲們都可以健健康康的,然後繼續支持我未來的去向! 1. What was your occupation before you become a Financial Service Consultant? What makes you step into the financial industry? I joined the financial advisory profession when I was 21. Back then, I just started my first year of university education at NTU. Before that, I was in army. I actually had a lot of doubts before stepping into this industry even though my dad raised us up through his work as an agent. However, I went ahead with the mindset of “nothing to lose anyway” and that’s how I began this journey. 2. What is the difference between your previous job and your current job? Which is better? So far, this is my first full time profession. The closest I can relate to is probably the 6 months internship in my tertiary education. I think the biggest difference for me was to have autonomy over the decisions I can make. In the financial services industry, it’s very practical. The one who works the hardest and smartest win more. In a corporate setting, that may not be the case as there could be many more other factors. 3. Is it difficult to start off as an Financial Service Consultant? Any tips for the newbie, especially in this industry? Of course, it’s difficult, even more for me as I didn’t believe I have the character and traits to succeed in this industry. It took me real long before I can force myself to start cultivating the ideal traits and right mindset. If this was easy, everyone would be rushing in to be a Financial Service Consultant. I think for new agents/advisors, you’ve to be prepared to work double, triply harder than anyone. At the same time, also start to identify what makes you unique and different. In today’s context, it’s not just becoming better at what you do but also to become different in what you do. That’s when you gain attention and attract your crowd in wanting to work with you. 4. How did you manage your lifestyle and work? Do you work out very often to maintain your body physique? I used to practise Muay Thai as a way to keep fit, both physically and mentally. I will work out during my off peak hours (late afternoon) and go for my meetings in evenings and weekends. Currently, I do not work out as often as before because there are more important items in my lines of responsibility. 5. Do you think you have the charisma to attract ladies and womens wherever you go? Why? I’m not too sure about this but I guess it depends on their character. There’re some ladies which I can connect with pretty well even though when we just met. Personally, I feel that the greatest trait to be charismatic is to have confidence. While looks can bring you somewhere at the start, confidence is the one that will really get you there. 6. When did you get married and how many kids do you plan to have?
I got married in 2018. Currently no plans for kids. Probably max of 2. 7. Is buying insurance for your loved ones important? Is insurance compensation for the living or dead and it a MUST to buy insurance in Singapore? There’s a saying that goes like this: “You buy insurance not because someone has to die, but because someone has to live.” At the end of the day, the whole idea of insurance is leverage, it is to help you create money that doesn’t exist in the first place. There are many lines of insurance in Singapore and if you’ll to ask what’s the must buy insurance in SG, it definitely would be hospitalisation insurance. Singapore is one of the countries that has escalating medical costs and it would certainly be wise to transfer this risk out to an insurer. 8. Do you intend to start your own business if you are given a chance to? What business and trade will you be considering? At this juncture, I do not have concrete plans yet. I’m focused in building my agency and advisory practice. Given a chance, I probably will start a business that revolves around digital marketing, education which can help people succeed in life. 9. What do you want to say to your supporters and public members who are keen to find out more about Insurance? Insurance is not a singular product that you can understand clearly at 1 glance. Insurance is just 1 of the instruments we use in financial planning. See this as a process rather than a transaction. Once you see this as a process, you would realise how meaningful this can be for yourself & family. I’ll love to have that conversation with you to help you get closer to where you want to be. 1. 你是如何踏入娛樂圈的?你本身有想過自己會成爲藝人嗎? 在網路上意外被找去試鏡,從來沒想過能成為藝人。 2. 被喻為臺灣廣告新生代小天王,你有什麽感想?覺得是自己外型可塑性強還是運氣比較好? 與其說可朔性強,不如說是比較有廠商的緣,運氣也算很好。 3. 曾參與電影《紅樓夢》並擔任重要角色,當時的心情如何?是否有感受到任何壓力?在電影拍攝有沒有遇到什麽趣事? 拍攝時壓力很大,就完全是個門外漢,什麼都有重新來過,第一次跟男生親吻感覺蠻有趣的! 4. 你如果有一次重來機會讓你再以新人身份走入娛樂圈,你會選擇當演員,歌手,主持人,還是模特兒?爲何你會做出這樣的選擇? 想選擇當主持人,想介紹世界各地的奇景文化美食,踏過每個角落,成為觀眾的眼睛。 5. 目前你的粉絲群是否以女生最多,還是同志朋友最多?你會排斥同志朋友成爲你的粉絲嗎? 沒有特別注意,希望不管男粉女粉都可以喜歡我。 6. 在娛樂圈有沒有遇過很奇怪或不可理喻的事情讓你很憤怒的?你那時是如何處理這起事件?
還沒遇過。 7. 身爲藝人,你會不會公佈自己的感情生活?你覺得公佈自己不再單身,會不會擔心粉絲流失? 會公怖,不擔心!藝人也是人,很正常。 8. 有沒有想過到新加坡和馬來西亞發展自己的娛樂事業? 如果有機會,不排除過去看看! 9. 你最想通過我們的專訪和你的粉絲說些什麽?有計劃在臺灣舉辦小型粉絲聚會嗎? 謝謝這次的專訪 讓我有機會讓更多人看見和了解我,目前還沒有這麼大的人氣可以辦粉絲聚會,希望有一天可以見到每一個喜歡我的朋友。 1. What makes you enter into the entertainment industry? Why do you want to be an artiste? I started off as a Dancer at a young age. At the same time, I also had given opportunities to become a choreographer and gaining stage experience (Front line and back stage crew) during that time. Due to all this opportunities given to me, I’ve build up my interest and passion in ARTS and Stage performing which brings me to who I am today after years of experiences and training. I still remembered how and why I’ve diverted my concentration into singing due to two particular reasons. Firstly few years ago, I’ve reached to a peak that choreography and dancing seem a norm. Due to sad wake up call, I am in need of searching back my creativity, Art passion and another phase of sparks. Secondly, I was fortunate to meet a Director in Taiwan during the phase of career diversion. He was the one who encouraged me and gave me hope to go ahead with my singing career after listening to my demo that was recorded and brought it over to Taiwan. Since young, I always wanted to bring Art creation to the stage and entertain everyone who is watching. They are the one who pushes my limit every time when I performed and urge me to climb and improve as much as I can. Now after stepping into the singing career, I always have a goal for myself to produce and create good songs for everyone and bring messages across through my singing. 2. What is the most interesting incident you ever encounter during your performance? During my performance, I’ve face different situations that puzzled me and force me to react in a certain speed that nobody can imagine. I’ve come across performances which do not required any rehearsals which brings me to the lowest peak due to that I got to face the reality and bringing my professional across. For dancing, when no rehearsals needed, I’ve to learn to accept and learn the dance choreography within few minutes before stage performance and react fast to execute changes on stage. For Singing, I’ve always told myself to get ready in all circumstances during performance even though my body is not ready due to sickness or lack of rehearsals. In conclusion, no matter what I face during or before performance, I will always push myself to give everyone a good performance on stage/platform due to professionalism. 3. How do you think of local entertainment industry scene? Do you think it is tough for newcomers to gain fame without much investment in publicizes and promotions? After all these years in local entertainment industry scene, I have yet to see any hype given to the industry which sadden me. I have seen and know a lot of entertainers who are amazingly talented but the existing platforms given locally are unable to embrace all of them. It might be the culture that has change the entertainment industry scene year by year. At the same time I do understand why some are not engaging professionals for the events and I also do understand why people prefer overseas entertainment hype than local entertainment industry. I believe in recent entertainment industries, for new amazing talented newcomers it will be tough as they will need to engage various social media platforms, with ready products and certain amount of investment to market out to the industries. It is not an easy task, but with beliefs and hard work, all new and amazing newcomers will be able to reach their first goal. 4. Can you share your latest EP album with your fans and tell us which is your favourite track, and why? This latest EP album is a combination of two, which consist of Mevolution and Confluence. People will be wondering why these particular names are given to my latest EP album. Mevolution consists of three tracks which are sole written and composed by me. I created this album with a first idea to start a change within me. All the tracks created based on my true stories and experiences that I faced. I believe people are facing the same situation or feel like me. With the help of my lyrics, I’m able to project their voice across through my songs. Confluence consists of two tracks which were created mainly for worldwide collaboration opportunities. Musicians will be able to communicate through music, gain different music knowledge and understanding of different culture and genres. 5. Which singer in Singapore do you wish to have a duet with if you are given the opportunity? Why? Actually I wish to collaborate with many amazing singers locally. It will be an honour to be on stage with them and to learn from them. However in particularly, I wish to have duets with my amazing talented friends, Sylvester Sim and Benjamin Eio. We are the one who always supported and encouraged each other. Most importantly they are amazing singers. 6. How was your experience when recording with the music producer and how was the experience when filming the MV?
I’m always excited with all the music productions. During the recording with the renowned music producer, George Leong, we are actually having fun in the studio with lots of laughter which brings my tension down during recording. At the same time, we do have a similar goal is to make the song better each time. For the music production, during filming of the MV, many of the ideas are not able to project out due to certain reasons. I would say that the experience was kind of tiring but excited because the song will be launch to the market for everyone. 7. What is your plan after this EP album? Do you think it is important to go Taiwan for promotion to gain more publicity for yourself? Since the EP album and 5 songs are officially launched in the market, I would be concentrating to bring those songs across to more audience. Hopefully everyone will enjoy those songs and support local musicians. Concurrently, I am in the midst of producing another upcoming song. Hopefully it will be ready for everyone soon. Please do stay tuned and hope you will like the upcoming song too. If I am given opportunities to promote my songs in Taiwan, I will be ready for it to extend my songs to bigger audience worldwide. I always believe music is for everyone and I want everyone to know my songs which created and produced for them. 8. Apart from singing, will you consider acting as well, or becoming a variety program host? If I am given the opportunities to learn, improve and advance my career, I will take any opportunities that are coming my way. I will be ready for any acting platform or becoming variety program host. 9. What do you want to say to your music fans here? Thank you so much for your love, believe, support and an encouragement. Because of you, I’m able to produce good songs and pull through every difficulty during my journey. Because of you, I’ve learned a lot and become who I am now. With promises, I will keep writing and composing good songs for everyone. Thank you once again, with love deep down my heart. |