丘俊鑫在泰国清迈拍摄行脚节目时手臂受伤骨折。据报道,他在冒险勇闯著名景点时,由于瀑布的岩石过于滑溜且水流急促,导致他和工作人员滑倒受伤。起初认为只是轻微的擦伤,但在拍摄过程中感到疼痛加剧。 经纪人立即在泰国助理的协助下,将他送往医院急诊。检查结果显示,他只是轻微的手臂脱臼,但丘俊鑫的母亲非常紧张和担忧。为此,经纪公司决定暂停拍摄,并安排团队明天返回国内。原计划在十月推出的全新系列的亚洲旅游行脚节目《鑫爷来咯》也因此受到影响,公司要求丘俊鑫回国修养。
1. 針對謝忻爆「搭上馬來西亞小鮮肉」 貼身合照曝光,你有什麽想法? 其實沒什麽想法,但希望謝忻可以繼續在綜藝界發展,畢竟好的綜藝主持人現在不多了。 2. 你是否還會如期在11月和謝忻在新加坡合作呢? 這一點我不清楚,應該要看雙方經紀公司最後是否有達成任何協議和合作的意願,畢竟謝忻算是有知名度的藝人,我還算是默默耕耘的新人吧! 3. 你覺得謝忻是否是你喜歡的類型女生?那麽是否會和謝忻‘來電’呢? 應該算是,哈哈哈!我比較喜歡溫柔系的女生,外型甜甜和樸素,性格要善良和喜歡小動物爲主。至於是否會和謝忻‘來電’,應該不會吧?因爲她人在台灣,而我卻在新加坡發展,她也不會喜歡和小弟弟談戀愛吧!哈哈哈。。。 4. 如果謝忻‘答應’你的邀請來新加坡宣傳和參與你的節目拍攝,你最想帶她去哪裏吃喝玩樂? 我是希望可以邀請謝忻姐姐來新加坡上我的節目「鑫爺來咯」和「名厨勞倫斯 Chef Lawrence」,然後帶她出去吃喝玩樂放鬆一下,畢竟新加坡是個美食天堂!“我最想帶她去吃 Uncle Louis Famous Chicken Rice (海南鷄飯)和陪她去聖淘沙環球影城玩! 5. 你有想過上謝忻和徐乃麟搭檔主持的中天新節目《聚音》嗎? 當然是有想過,可是台灣綜藝節目很難敲到通告的,但一切還是隨緣吧! 6. 你認爲中國,台灣,馬來西亞和新加坡的娛樂圈有什麽區別?
我個人覺得中國的娛樂圈已經是全球最厲害的!台灣也是不錯,依然有自己的節目特色。馬來西亞的綜藝節目雖然不多,但最近的節目都很火紅。至於新加坡,綜藝節目都有自己的風格,路綫和台灣不太一樣。 7. 那麽這四個國家的粉絲有什麽不一樣嗎? 其實我覺得都沒什麽差別,因爲每次我到不同國家宣傳時,她們(粉絲)都很熱情和常常主動來我的酒店找我,送我涼茶和禮物等等。我也很喜歡聼她們之間的‘聊天’,畢竟私下的我不太愛説話的。 8. 在來臨的2020年有什麽新的發展和計劃嗎? 其實目前在籌備新歌和一部微電影,還有一個全新的旅游節目,但我還是希望可以通過音樂讓大家認識丘俊鑫! 9. 你最想和粉絲說什麽? 我?應該是希望粉絲不要浪費錢搞大型聚會,我其實很簡單的,就算去吃路邊攤我也可以,畢竟我喜歡簡單的生活,更希望粉絲可以把錢儲蓄起來,或者去行善都可以! 1. 分享你是如何被發掘進入娛樂圈的?從花世紀樂團到單飛,你是如何整理自己的工作狀態? 在高三那年把自己的創作整理成demo,郵寄到台灣的滾石唱片。在三個月後收到通知,於是就到了滾石簽了第一份合約。 從發行第一張作品,跟大大小小的巡迴演出節目通告等,都是跟花世紀一起,所以後來自己獨自做音樂的時候,真的會有種孤立無援的孤獨感,尤其在製作方面,因為當時樂團的配置編曲都是大家一起製作錄音,後來自己一個人的時候花了很多時間重新學習錄音製作,也因此開始更多幕後的音樂製作及創作歌曲的經驗累積。 2. 單飛過後你發行過幾首歌曲?有哪一首是你最喜歡的?爲何? 如果是自己創作加上演唱的歌,大約10多首單曲,最喜歡的是我為內地網劇<武大的小姐姐們>寫的片尾曲<繁星>。當初詞曲花了20分鐘就創作完成,歌詞沒有太多的潤飾,很直接表達愛情,這首歌也是我獨立當製作人,詞曲,編曲的作品,格外有成就感 3. 演唱自己的創作和唱別人寫的歌曲,會不會有什麽不一樣的感覺?你最喜歡哪一位創作歌手? 演唱自己的歌更能表達自己的態度,對生活愛情友情夢想或叛逆,比較貼近自己。唱其他歌手的作品,更像是挑戰自己身為<歌手>的技術或情感表現。每次唱別的歌都會想試試能不能更勝原唱或唱出不同的樣子,是非常有挑戰性的一件事! 最喜歡的創作歌手是周杰倫跟五月天,因為他們陪伴我們從青春到成人,基本上每個人生的時期都有他們的音樂滋養我們的生活。 4. 在娛樂圈那麽多年,有沒有想過自己還會繼續做音樂多久呢?娛樂圈是否如大家所説的“賺不到生活費”? 從來沒有想過自己不做音樂,從拿起吉他那一刻起,就不打算把它放下了。我比較幸運的是,除了幕前的演出之外,還有成立工作室做幕後製作及培育教學的事,生活費不成問題。 5. 你的初戀在幾嵗,是如何認識的?在娛樂圈這段日子,又交往過幾位女朋友呢? 16歲,對象是同社團同學,本來是安慰對方失戀的,後來就在一起了!哈哈,交往過3位! 6. 你有打算幾時結婚嗎?對方是否一定要是娛樂圈的一份子?
從前的人生規劃是36歲,但現在覺得也不一定能那個時候結婚!哈哈,對方可以是任何職業唷! 7. 目前臺灣已經開發同志可以合法結婚,你有想過創作一首屬於他們的歌曲發行嗎? 感謝台灣非常的進步,在同婚的部分是很大的成長跟突破,我有一些同志好友在國外的,恭喜他們可以回台結婚了! 當然想!想寫一首像五月天<愛情的模樣>那樣的歌曲,能表達愛是無關乎性別年齡的最偉大存在。 8. 你本身在娛樂圈有沒有遇過潛規則的事件?或者你身邊的藝人朋友曾遇見過?如果你遇見,你會如何處理如果對方是你的資源和投資者? 我自己沒有遇過任何潛規則事件,因為我自己跟任何的合作夥伴都是互相信任也互相尊重的。 身邊的朋友有遇過,如果我遇見,表明不接受! 9. 你最想要和你的粉絲說些什麽? 很感謝在新加坡皇室娛樂跟貴人老友威廉,安排能到新加坡宣傳自己的作品,希望能年底發行自己的新創作單曲,趕緊跟新加坡的紛絲朋友們分享! 1. 參加過兩場選秀比賽《2012年度TVB全球華人新秀歌唱大賽》和《Sunsilk 明星學院》,對你的私生活有什麽改變嗎? 我覺得主要是心態和想法上的改變吧。當時我才20歲出頭,所以在比賽那段期間接觸到很多東西,一下子可能自己適應不來,也因為這個比賽讓自己覺得在一瞬間成長了很多,不論是在生活上還是個個人事物都成熟了許多。 2. 從2012到現在,看著你從歌唱到參與戲劇拍攝,你認爲你比較喜歡唱歌還是演戲?有沒有想過主持自己的綜藝節目? 其實我一開始是從音樂歌唱再到戲劇微電影,一開始接觸演戲這方面還擔心自己可不可以勝任,接觸了過後發現原來拍戲也不錯挺好玩的。主要是表演吧,天生自己就很熱愛表演,當然有機會的話也想突破自己主持節目等等。 。 。 。 。 3. 有簽過經紀公司嗎?如果沒有,爲何不簽入經紀公司發展呢?如果有簽過經紀公司,可否分享你的經驗? 曾經有簽約過經紀公司,當時是比賽過後就簽約了,不過後來是因為一些意見上的不同和公司的發展定位不是自己想要的,後來就解約了。 4. 目前還在娛樂圈活躍嗎?還是有一份穩定的工作或生意?是否可以和讀者們分享呢? 目前都會有一些廣告之類的拍攝等等。 。 。現在從事也是表演行業,我現在是駐唱婚宴歌手,經營節目策劃,同時也是一位音樂老師。畢竟表演和音樂是我喜歡的。 5. 你認爲當藝人是否可以養活自己和照顧家人的起居呢?現在在馬來西亞的娛樂圈有什麽不一樣? 我認為是可以的,不過需要後天的努力 付出和堅持 懂得把握機會,天時地利人和吧!行行出狀元,不論是什麼行業都一樣,都是需要努力和付出。現在馬來西亞娛樂圈我認為都是以網絡為主吧!很多馬來西亞線上藝人都開始拍網絡劇,經營自己的網絡頻道。 6. 現在是否單身,還是心有所屬?你是如何認識你的另一半呢?有沒有想過幾時要結婚?
目前有自己的另外一半,當時沒錯的話也是網絡認識的,至於結婚這方面目前還沒考慮,把握當下吧! 7. 是否擔心你的粉絲因爲你有了女朋友而不再支持你呢?你覺得你可稱為偶像還是實力派歌手? 坦白說這方面倒還好,男孩兒敢做敢當,我也自己不喜歡睜眼說瞎話,主要是因為我覺得也要讓對方有安全感,而且現在是文明的世界,真的喜歡你的粉絲也會祝福,自己也會努力做好自己把更多更好的作品帶給大家。我可以自信說我是偶像和實力的結合嗎?哈哈哈! 8. 今年你最想實現什麽夢想或理想? 希望自己在生活中個個人事物可以越來越好,希望身邊所有愛我的人和我愛的人都可以幸福健康 世界和平! 9. 你最想要在這裏對你的粉絲說什麽?有想過要舉辦自己的音樂會嗎? 感謝大家一直以來對我支持和鼓勵,新加坡是我的人生中另外一個轉折點,就好像我的第二個家一樣。希望可以再見到大家! 1. How did you join the entertainment industry? You started off as a contestant or a singer? I think I started off as a singer first then I tried to join some competitions as well, but I am not sure which one is first, as it's very very long time ago. But I guess everyone started off as a contestant at one point when they start out. 2. How long have you been singing? What is the most challenging issues that you ever met? I think for as long as I can remember. It's a very long process. I think the most challenging issues would be when there are some criticism from people . I don't really like criticism, but it affects me and the way I sing over the years . Some are helpful and some are not. But it helps to shape the way I sing today . 3. Is it easy to compose melody or is it easier to write lyric? Any tips for your fans? I think it is quite easy to compose melody then lyrics. Cos you don't have to think too much when you do the melodies. It just comes naturally to you through inspirations and ideas. Lyrics are easy to write also if you have the ideas and content of course. If you don't have any ideas, everything becomes difficult and you are stuck there, so ideas and inspirations are very important. Without them, it is going to be very very difficult 4. Are you currently attached? Do you support the PINK Nation? Not attached. Just dating . Yeah I support everyone who does good and is a good cause. Why not. Positivity is always supported 5. Is it advisable for a artiste to declare their love relationship to their fans? Why? It's up to the individual, but for me, I think it is unnecessary to declare anything that is private because it is our private life that the world doesn't really need to know. But if it happens and they know, so be it also. 6. Do you think it is harder to do music in Singapore than Indonesia? Why?
Yes and no. Singapore may be a smaller country but it is more competitive in a way. Everyone seems to be doing really well here and there are less fans and supporters because of the smaller demographics, so everyone is fighting for everything. There are less opportunities and gigs also here and a lot of competitions. Indonesia is a bigger country and thus would have more opportunities and more fans over there naturally. And people are generally more supportive and musically inclined there also . 7. Have you ever thought of heading to China to develop your singing career? Why not Taiwan if you are given the choice? Yeah I have thought about it. But the language barrier may be a hindrance for some of us who are not exactly very very proficient in the language. I mean I can speak and sing in Chinese but that is not my main forte. It is my second language. English would always be the easier one for me naturally cos it is my first language besides Malay. But if there are big opportunities and people like my music in China and Taiwan, maybe I would go there and try to sing English songs cos many people over there also like to listen to English western music I am sure. 8. How many songs you release before? Which song is your favourite top choice? I have released a total of about 15 songs up to now. I think my favourite one would be "Tell me that you love me" and "waterfall" as they seem to be favourite crowd pleasers . I like ballads like "Diam Diam Cinta kamu" and also my latest edm hit "Feeling" that is coming out this year ! 9. What do you want to says to your supporters and fans here? Lastly just wanna say thank you to all that have been supporting and following me on this journey. Thank you for showing up to my gigs and shows and listening and sharing my music. It means a lot to me when someone does that and really likes my music. It gives me one more reason to continue to do music. So thanks a million! 1. 從上班族變成時尚模特,可否分享你是如何被發掘的? 因為我表姊是新秘後來自己開工作室需要婚紗樣本拍攝缺男模,我就常試看看,也因為這機會讓我踏入模特兒圈,後來許多廠商看到我的作品,開始邀約廣告、平面、戲劇拍攝甚至走秀。 2. 你本身喜歡娛樂圈嗎?如果有機會讓你成爲全職藝人,你比較喜歡當歌手,演員還是主持人?爲何? :喜歡娛樂圈,我希望都有可能,因為太約束自己的角色會很沒有發展性,許多歌手最後去演戲,演員最後發單曲,主持最後也有演戲的,成為一個藝人不能只會一個項目。 3. 在拍攝平面廣告或視頻時,有沒有遇見什麽趣事可以和大家分享的? 廣告是我遇到最多有趣事,例如:A員明明要去陷害B員,但最後自然反應就了B員,也因為這樣改了劇本,大家一開始傻眼看完之後還不錯。 4. 平時沒有拍攝的時候,你通常會做些什麽?你自己會不會每星期都上健身房呢? 我平常有正職工作(醫院行政),我都在在家裡練身材。 5. 目前單身還是心有所屬?會不會擔心粉絲因爲你有女朋友就開始遠離你? 單身,不會,因為感情是感情,只有另一半才會陪伴您或許會結婚也是24H陪伴您的,雖然粉絲也很重要,但是還是得劃分清楚。 6. 臺灣開放同志可以結婚條例,你會支持還是反對?你是否有想過有一天你的另一半是男生?
我支持,愛情不分男女,真愛才是最重要,另一半男生也不錯,因為男生懂男生。 7. 有想過到海外發展嗎?你去過哪一些國家拍攝過廣告?是否覺得海外和臺灣的拍攝有區別? 想,但還沒有機會,海外跟台灣比起還是有差別,文化、風景都不一樣,也想體驗。 8. 你最想介紹臺灣什麽美食給海外的朋友,爲何? 臭豆腐,聞起來很臭,吃起來外酥內軟口感很好,珍珠奶茶,能喝到香甜的奶茶也能吃到嚼勁的珍珠。 9. 你最想和支持你的朋友和粉絲說些什麽? 謝謝您們的陪伴與支持才有現在的我,我會更加努力在努力,把最好的作品呈現給您們。 1. When did you started your showbiz business and why you want to start this agency ADSBOX? I started my media company in the year 2008. As I felt there's a lack of media pipelines for Artistes to emerge from. Want to bring up potential actors to another level with better roles exposures. 2. How many artistes and talents do you manage since the day you start ADSBOX? Mostly are male or female talents, and what do they specialise in? We started from 0 Artiste on hand, through casting interviews and auditions, eventually we grow in numbers. Today, we have a healthy pool of 1200 talent data base. Probably 70% female and 30% male, mainly specialises in Acting. 3. Who are your favourite artistes at ADSBOX and why they are your group of favourite artistes? In Media Entertainment line, it's important to follow what the company says and plan. Those who listened and follow accordingly would naturally be in the top chart. Currently our female Artiste (Actor/Emcee/Streamer) Cindy Chang topped the list. 4. Is it difficult to manage artistes and talents in Singapore? How did you get them assignment or show opportunities? It's never easy to manage Humans, more over talents even if you have the most systematic platform for them. With 12 years media experience and network, we have secured Partnership with quite a number of production houses, casting team, events company and of course, Mediacorp. Therefore we have jobs from Drama, movies, TV Commercial Ads etc. 5. Do you like to act, sing or host? How long have you been in the entertainment industry and why you want to become a artiste? I have yearn to be an actor and singer when I'm 16, didn't have the chance nor right path which took me years to climb. I'm someone that loves challenges, never like to be desk bound, that's pretty much tells about my character. Haha... 6. If given a chance for you to go China to become a singer or actor, will you grab the opportunity as we understand that you already a married man with two kids.
A man can be married, but the passion and dreams may not die! So for me, my answer is Yes! 7. Name one Asian actor and one Asian singer you hope to work with in near future? Why you choose them? I would love to meet 周润发 as my acting mentor as he possessed a supreme personality that inspires me deeply. As for singer, JJ Lin is someone whom I truly respect especially in the recent years. His talents and self adaptability to all kinds of performances really crowned himself as the new era "歌王" in my own opinion. 8. How long will you stay in this entertainment industry, whether as the managing director of ADSBOX or as a artiste? Till the day my body vanishes from this world. 9. What do you want to says to all the new emerging artistes and talents out there? Any advise for them? In Media, its about perseverance, discipline, determination and being hungry! You got it? You made it someday. 1. 你是因爲喜歡唱歌才進入娛樂圈?你是幾嵗踏入娛樂圈的? 是的,是因為喜歡唱,所以才想當一個歌手的。我從小就喜歡唱歌,以前就連卡通動畫的主題曲也會練習來唱。我是29歲才正式踏進娛樂圈的。 2. 發行自己全新單曲《第一印象》的第一感覺是什麽?有沒有想過自己會發現單曲? 發行《第一印象》的感覺好奇怪的,因為剛剛接到這首歌的時候,我都有跟作曲作詞人說這首歌曲很有初戀的味道,但我已經老了,還能唱嗎? 但他們反問我年紀大就不能有像初戀的感覺嗎? 而且他們都覺得我臉蛋還可以騙人,所以這歌最終發行了。 以前當然沒有想過會有自己的歌曲,但人大了,認識的人多了,我就會勇敢的嘗試去問有認識這一方面範疇的人,最終有自己的歌曲了,夢想也算是實現了。 3. 身爲獨立歌手有沒有什麽煎熬的經歷?你覺得有經紀公司的歌手和獨立歌手之間有什麽區別? 我剛出道的時候是有簽經紀人公司的,當時比較幸福,因為只顧及幕前的工作就可以了,什麼談合作、酬勞、安排工作、安排錄音室、出版等等,通通都有人安排好了。但現在,沒有經紀公司,就什麼都要自己去做了。 獨立歌手其實很困難,因為沒有公司的護蔭,是有機會被人看不起的,工作機會也可能較少。 4. 你有想過日後參與電影或電視拍攝嗎?如果有想過,你最想和哪位香港演員合作? 日後如有機會都想從多方面發展,當中當然包括想參與電影或電視拍攝。無論是唱歌或演戲方面,都想和梁詠琪合作,因為她羨慕的偶像,能與偶像合作,夢寐以求! 5. 娛樂圈一直在大衆眼裏都是黑暗的,所以你出道這段日子有沒有遇過潛規則的要求?如果有一天你遇見有高層提出潛規則要求,你會如何應對? 我沒有遇過潛規則,通常應該是女生比較常見吧。如果我遇到,老實説,我也不知怎麼辦,可能叫他們問一問我的爸媽吧。 6. 香港和臺灣娛樂圈有什麽差別?可否分享一下你的經驗?
其實我覺得兩邊都差不多,但在音樂方面,香港的歌手多以單曲做宣傳,一首宣傳完畢,就再推出另一支單曲,比較少以專輯做宣傳,而且甚少推出實體碟。但在台灣,依然流行先推出實體碟,再作宣傳。我試過以單曲給台灣的經紀人朋友,他們起初會以為你是網絡歌手而已。 7. 你在臺灣宣傳時候,是否覺得文化和語言比較難溝通?你有過水土不服的時候嗎? 不會覺得難溝通,因為台灣的主要語言也是普通話,我雖然説得不太標準,但還是可以的,會聽得明白的。 8. 目前你對未來有什麽計劃嗎?有沒有想過去新加坡和馬來西亞宣傳? 我有一位朋友是馬來西亞做marketing的,也偶爾幫一些歌手做經紀人的工作,目前正在和他溝通,希望有機會到馬來西亞及新加坡做宣傳,讓更多來西亞及新加坡的朋友認識我。 9. 你想通過我們這次專訪對你的粉絲說些什麽? 感謝支持我的每一位,有你們的支持,我才走到今天,我會繼續努力。 1. When did you start training your physique? What makes you decide to build up? I started training when I was 17 because I was very skinny and got bullied a lot. I need to protect myself. 2. Is it important to control diet if you want to have a good and nice build? What should we eat to have a balance diet before and after training? Training is 100%, diet is 100% too. You need to give everything you got to have a very nice physique. In order for your body to have sufficient nutrients, you need to get some simple carbs from good source only before and after workout e.g: white rice, potatoes and enough protein after your workout. 3. Why did you start to become a fitness trainer? Is it hard to be a fitness trainer and do you need to be certified to do it? I started coaching my friends when I was 19 for fun in the community gym. I learned my own technique and skills from books and pro body builder in the gym. When I was 22, I started to feel satisfied whenever my clients got result, that’s when I started to take up courses, get myself certified and read up more! 4. How many students do you have for now? Are there more female or male students? Currently I have 20 over clients with equal number of females and males. 5. Why nowadays many working executives love to go gym during their lunch hour? That’s because they want to get it done with so after work they can go back home to their family or get involve with their social life. I consider them as are very responsible and determined people because they find ways not to give excuses for themselves not to go gym. 6. Understand that your wife had just gave birth to a baby boy. How much time do you spend with your wife and is it tough to be a baby daddy?
Yes, I’ve just promoted to becoming a dad. I make sure to spend time with my family after work and on weekends. And I still find ways to workout! No excuse! It wasn’t easy becoming a husband and a dad at the same time because you need to provide and I really want to be a hands-on dad in taking care of my new baby and my wife as she recovers from pregnancy. 7. How do you juggle between your career and family? Can you share more with our readers? Family always come first. Now with my newborn baby, I should even work harder. My wife is a very understanding person which makes my life very easy and comfortable. Without my wife, I might not be where I am today. My tips to all your readers is first balance your family followed by your career but don’t forget to have some time for yourself to de-stress and to have a clear mind. 8. If there are new students keen to sign up with your fitness class, how do they contact you? How many lessons do you conduct a week? I conduct my personal training sessions from Monday to Saturday. Sunday is my family day. 7.30am to 7pm (Weekdays) 7.30am to 5pm (Weekends). They can contact me via Instagram @_kingbrah and @kingbrahfitness to know more about my fitness background. 9. What do you want to say to your friends and supporters here? Take good care of your fitness and health before anything. Money is important but don’t let what you earned go to medical bill because it will turn out to be the same. Persistency and Consistency is the key to anything in life. 1. 你是如何進入娛樂圈的?爲何最後沒有繼續發展? 其實一開始,我就是個花式街頭籃球表演球員,如果要說算是進入娛樂圈,就是被邀請去徵選「模范棒棒堂男孩」然後選上了,後續就不斷的接各種通告表演到現在。 2. 如果有機會在娛樂圈,你最想往哪一方面去發展?比如唱歌,演戲,主持? 如果真的有機會,應該可以嘗試演戲吧! 3. 你是如何接觸花式籃球?是自學還是有拜師學醫? 當初是看到國外的花式街頭籃球影片,國內我是第一個人玩,所以只能自學了。 4. 花式籃球在臺灣漸漸受矚目,你有想過將它帶去海外宣揚嗎? 有的,其實我最大的目標是建立一個像NBA一樣的聯盟,跨區域性的。 5. 經常在臉書看你和許多外界花式籃球比賽,是否有感到壓力?如果當天表現不好輸了比賽,你會如何收拾心情? 壓力不會,只有無窮的興奮感。輸了就輸了,勝敗是兵家常事,通常我都怪輸在自己沒準備好! 6. 現在已婚的你,擁有俊俏的外型是否還有很多女粉追求你?有沒有女粉絲對你提出非分要求?
哈哈,其實我還沒結婚,只是剛跟未婚妻求婚成功。女粉嗎?其實我的粉比較多是愛打球的男生! 7. 你是如何認識你的太太/未婚妻?目前如何維持你們兩人之間和感情和如何把花式籃球變成你的主業? 因為工作關係認識的,我收邀去香港表演,她是採訪我的女主持人。其實我們很像天造地設的一對,興趣愛好都一樣,如果要說維持的方法,就是答應彼此無論碰到什麼困難、爭吵,都不說「分開」二字。至於花式街球已經是我主業多年,從18歲開始到現在,如何變主業的方式,應該就是積極的為自己創造機會。 8. 有沒有想過如果有海外經紀公司簽你,你是否會接受?如果經紀公司要以花式籃球把你變成明星,你的想法是什麽? 有可能,但要看對方有沒有給我一個什麼保障(發展性)或不錯的待遇。同時也非常好呀,能以花式街頭籃球出發當明星,我非常開心,這是我其中一個夢想,我樂愛的事。 9. 你有什麽話想對你的粉絲和花式籃球朋友說嗎? 希望你們永遠愛我,我也會永遠愛你們! |